Principal News
Friday afternoons at Banyan Fields Primary School have such a great feel. Today I joined the Year 4 assembly in our hall and was really impressed with our year 4 students and how far they have come this year. After the assembly, I was able to visit a number of the house sport activities being capably led by our house leaders. With all of these activities happening while our students are wearing their house tops, there is a great community atmosphere to round out the week.
On a few occasions this week, I have heard classes rehearsing for our carols afternoon. Our students are sounding fantastic and I would like to encourage families to join us for our Carols at the Fields afternoon. This will be held on Tuesday 19 December, 2023 from 2.30pm.
Earlier today, I emailed our community to confirm that I have declined the offer I recently accepted as Principal at Mount Martha Primary School. This means that I will continue leading Banyan Fields Primary School and I am really pleased to see out the 2023 school year and be planning for 2024.