Learning Gallery

A view inside Stage 3
Our Year 5 students have been working eagerly to prepare their applications (speech) for the School Captain and/or Sports Captain positions.
Students are able to apply for both school captain and sports captain roles. Students have been supported in class to write a well-constructed persuasive piece of writing that is edited and upleveled. The next step for our students is to practise the confident delivery of their speeches.
Speeches will take place on Tuesday, 28 November, starting at 9:15 am. School Captain nominees will speak first, followed by online voting. Then, we will split into St Andrew’s and St Joseph’s colour houses for Sports Captain speeches and voting.
Our parents and families are welcome to attend.
Water Safety and Familiarisation
Our students are thoroughly enjoying our school Water Safety and familiarisation lessons as part of our PDHPE content. Our K-6 lessons focus on water confidence familiarisation and safety. Thank you to our wonderful St Josephs Team for leading a multitude of engaging group sessions.
Kindergarten about to enter the pool!
Kind Regards,
Elise Baird
Assistant Principal