Years F-6 Coordinator

Kim Fitzpatrick

F-6 Key Dates

Friday8thJunior Captain Applications Due
Sunday10thCarols by Candlelight 
Friday15th F6 Swimming Program concludes
Friday15thStudent Enrolment/Permission Forms for 2024 Due Back 
Monday18thGraduation Assembly & Primary Party
  Awards Ceremony
  Students Last Day 2023

It is a super busy time in the F-6 building!

Last Friday we said goodbye to Nate, we wish him all the best back in Western Australia. This week we are madly getting organised for Carols by Candlelight, our swimming program has begun,   and  our Year 6's started their transition into Year 7 today and we have also had incursions taking place as well.


Junior School Captains 2024

Reminder to students in Year 5, that applications for Junior School Captaincy are due this Friday, 8th December 2023. 


The Festive Spirit has hit the Building!

Betty has returned from the North Pole.

Friday, she was peeping out of the window of the Foundation room.
Friday, she was peeping out of the window of the Foundation room.
Tuesday, she was amongst the Christmas decorations on the ledge of the Year 5 & 6 classroom, with all her parcels from the Black Friday sales.
Tuesday, she was amongst the Christmas decorations on the ledge of the Year 5 & 6 classroom, with all her parcels from the Black Friday sales.
Wednesday, Betty had tried to bring us a snowman, but it melted!
Wednesday, Betty had tried to bring us a snowman, but it melted!
Our comm puzzle is coming along
Our comm puzzle is coming along
We also have a Christmas themed sodoku
We also have a Christmas themed sodoku


A Christmas Bush Story

Last week Foundation tuned into the Ecolinc session, A Christmas Bush Story. Expanding on a delightful children’s Christmas picture book, students learnt all about Sugar Gliders, their adaptations and also got to meet some of the other animals living with them in the rain forest. 

The Sugar Glider
The Sugar Glider



Wallaby jumping
Wallaby jumping
Showing Nicole our finished cards
Showing Nicole our finished cards


STIG in the Library

Yesterday, thanks to the Buloke Shire, we had STIG Wemyss, Australia's most loved audiobook narrator for child and young adults visit our Library and perform for us. There was plenty of silliness and loads of laughs had. 

STIG reading ‘Treehouse Tales’.
STIG reading ‘Treehouse Tales’.
Renee was one of many students and staff called up to assist.
Renee was one of many students and staff called up to assist.

Students are encouraged to compliment our Library borrowing by using the Buloke Library Service which is located in the supper room of the Charlton Hall 10am to 4pm Tuesdays. 

Many thanks to the Buloke Shire for getting the pool up and running in time for our swimming program. Isn’t the weather just fabulous! Well done to everyone for remembering to pack their bathers, towel and rash vests for day one. Remember we swim every day except for Wednesdays.  

Some of the Foundation crew ready to hit the water!
Some of the Foundation crew ready to hit the water!


Bike Education

Students in years 3 to 6 have been undertaking bicycle education sessions. Last week the program culminated in them riding around town. Students did a great job applying their skills and knowledge of road rules. 


The Charlton Carols by Candlelight is taking place this Sunday, December 10 beginning at 7pm at the REX Cinema. Notes have been sent home with all details. It would be good to see as many of our students present as possible.