Year 7s and 12s First Day

Wrap up and photos

On Wednesday 29th January, we welcomed our Year 7s and welcomed back our Year 12s for a first day filled with culture and fun.


The two year levels participated in a traditional Smoking Ceremony performed by father and son, Josh and Danny West from the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation. Josh performed the Welcome to Country and explained the meaning of a Smoking Ceremony and how they are traditionally performed by Indigenous people for weddings, funerals and births, and its purpose is for healing and cleansing, whilst Danny took control of lighting the 'fire'. 


The purpose of this annual event is for our Year 7 and 12 students to not only learn about the significance of a Smoking Ceremony but also to cleanse for the year ahead at the beginning and end of their secondary college journey.


After the Smoking Ceremony, the students enjoyed a BBQ lunch and icy poles and got some great photos at the photo booth.  A huge thank you goes to our Year 10 Peer Support Leaders who gave up their last day of their holidays to cook and serve the BBQ lunch.


We hope the student's first day and last first day of secondary school was a memorable one!