It is truly exciting to witness the growth and development of students across St. Mary's as they navigate, explore, and engage in the Magnify Sandhurst learning journey. The low-variance curriculum provides a sense of predictability, helping students feel more confident about what comes next in their day.
Our Foundation, Year 1, and Year 2 students eagerly anticipate the visual timetable each morning, sparking discussions about the day's activities. Just as quickly, they can look back and see how much they have accomplished realising how time flies when they are engaged in meaningful learning! These students should be commended for their enthusiasm and dedication to their learning.
Week Four marked the introduction of optional at-home tasks as part of the Initial Lit program. These activities provide families with a wonderful opportunity to connect with classroom learning and engage in meaningful discussions with their children. While Foundation students do not have take-home readers or formal home learning tasks, they continue to thrive within well-established classroom routines.
The pictures below capture just a few snippets of their incredible work. In fact, many students have nearly filled some of their workbooks—and we’re only in Week Five!
Looking ahead to Week Six, our Foundation students will begin learning letter sounds, a natural next step following their strong foundation in syllables and word work. Through games, songs, discussions, and hands-on activities, they will continue developing essential literacy skills in a fun and engaging way.
We are so proud of our students and their commitment to learning!