Office Notices & Finance

                                               INTERSCHOOL ATHLETICS

Students will be participating in the interschool athletics in Shepparton on Monday 24th March. 

Events start at 9:40. We will require parent helpers for set up in the morning and the girls high jump event. 

Please let Peta or Georgia in the office know if you are available to help.





                                                     SCHOOL FEES 2025 








     Simon EVERYWHERE (the new PAM)





                                                END OF DAY MESSAGES

If there is a change to the end of day arrangements for your child please phone the school and speak to a staff member.  Daily announcements are made at 3:15pm. If the office is unattended please leave a voice message. 







Please ensure all your family contact details are up to date, including contact phone numbers, residential & postal address & email address. We also require your nominated emergency  contact details to be current & up to date. Please note your Emergency Contact person must live within 30 minutes of the school.

Please inform the office if you have made any changes to your contact details.


If your students’ Medical details have changed, please ensure all relevant information is updated through PAM.


                                                   LATE ARRIVAL/EARLY COLLECTION

If student/ss arrive at school after 8.50am or leave school before 3.20pm they must be signed in or out at the school office by a parent/carer


The school is to be notified of any student absences.  If you know your student will be absent please add this through 'PAM' or contact the school office.

Schools are now legislated to contact families regarding ’unexplained absences’, and parents will receive a text message for any ‘unexplained absence’ including late arrivals that are not signed in at the office. 



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MEDICATIONS AT SCHOOL


If your child requires medication at school, please come to the school office and sign the medication register.  You can then provide office staff with their medication - in its original prescription package.  The prescription label must have their name, dosage and time to administer medication.

All medication is dispensed through the office and signed off on the medication register.  If appropriate permission is not signed for, it cannot be administered to the child. 

It is also a good idea to mention to the child's teacher that there is medication at the office and what time it is to be administered thank you.