It's hard to believe we are approaching the halfway point for this term! We are very impressed by the way everyone has adapted to our new learning style; we are already seeing positive learning outcomes from everyone.
In maths we have been covering addition and subtraction. We have been learning about a variety of ways to find the answer to addition and subtraction equations including partitioning and using a number line. From using these different styles, we are learning that we can have our own learning preferences and styles.
In English we have been growing our vocabulary by learning all the wonderful adjectives Roald Dahl uses in our class novel 'Matilda'. This week we will begin our unit on persuasive writing.
In Religion we have been covering the topic of prayer. We have been enjoying learning about prayer and all the different ways we can pray like praying with song, nature walking and drawing. This week we have been working in pairs to create our own prayer experiences that we will present to the class. We are excited to present our prayer experiences later in the week.
In Art we have created artworks using watercolour of our favourite animals and the environment they come from. We researched their environments and used directed drawing to draw pictures of our animals.
Next week the grade 3/4 class will be holding a liturgy for Ash Wednesday in the amphitheatre. Please join us on Wednesday March 5th at 2:50pm to begin the season of lent.