Kildare Catholic College Boys Cultural Program

We are pleased to announce the Kildare Catholic College Boy's Program has been launched in Term 1, with our second session on Wednesday, February 29, being a tour of local sites of significance. The boys visited Kengal/The Rock, Marrambidya Wetlands, and the Riverfront at Wagga Wagga Beach. After a BBQ lunch, we visited Wollundry and Parken-Pragan lagoons to learn more about resource management practices. The spiritual significance of all sites visited was shared with strict adherence to gender protocols and sensitivities.


The Boys Program seeks to foster a sense of belonging by supporting cultural learning and a positive outlook on their cultural identity, within a multicultural context, while also forging a stronger relationship between the College community, Aboriginal School & Community Workers, and the wider community.



Jody Siegwalt | Aboriginal School & Community Officer

Jason Jolley  | Aboriginal Liaison Officer

Bryce Thomas | Teacher - English