Laudato Si’ at KCC

Creative reflections on climate change exhibited

at the Australian National University (ANU)

Recent Kildare alumni Ruby McRae (2024) and Rohan Cummins (2023) exhibited their HSC Visual Arts major works at the 2025 ANU Climate Update in Canberra last week.  This is a showcase event for the ANU Institute for Climate Energy and Disaster Solutions, and was attended by over 350 people. 


Ruby’s piece, “The Survivors” reflects on the climate crisis, and how this burden is forced onto the shoulders of today’s young people.  Centred around the idea that “we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children” (Native American Proverb), the frayed edges reflect the potential future that we are leaving to our children. It is a powerful reminder that we need to care for Creation in the same way that it cares for us, and calls for connection and accountability to ensure a brighter future for generations to come. 

Also a comment on climate change, Rohan’s piece “Mohair Reef” explores the profound consequences of coral bleaching caused by the relentless force of climate change upon our delicate marine ecosystems. Inspired by the fragile beauty of coral reefs and driven by a sense of urgency to address environmental concerns, her art aims to evoke emotions, spark awareness, and foster a collective call to action.  As viewers immerse themselves in the intricacy of Rohan’s textile weave, they are compelled to confront the harsh reality of our planet's ecological fragility. Amidst the bleached fibres, and plastic strands the descent and faint traces of vibrant hues that remain reveal the chance we have to breathe life back into these ailing ecosystems. 


It is a privilege to have Ruby’s and Rohan’s works exhibited at this event, contributing to the national conversation about caring for our common home as we work towards a just future for all.



Sharon Forwood | HSIE Teacher