Catholic Identity

We thank you, dear Lord, for everything that is new and beautiful, for everything which holds promise and brings us joy. Bless us as we start this new school year with our friends and teachers Help us to make the most of every day. May we show love to one another and to all. May the new beginning of this school year remind us that you give us chances to start over again and again. Help us to forgive others as we receive your forgiveness. Help us to learn and to work together. Help us to listen when we should and to know the best words when we speak and when it is better not to speak. We thank you for our friends. Help us to be good friends this year. Help us to be patient with ourselves and with others. Bless our school and keep us safe. Be with us as we travel each day. Help us to be aware of your love shown to us in the people around us. Bless all those who care for us in school and at home. Help us show our love and care for them in what we say and do. Amen 



Our opening school Mass will be on Friday, February 14th at 11:30am in the Church. This will be an opportunity to welcome our new students, staff and families to the school and Parish community. All are welcome to attend. 



This year we have decided to rename our school awards to Mercy Awards, to reflect our Mercy tradition. Every few weeks, students will be introduced to the Mercy value and learn about what we can do to reflect and live out this quality, just as the Sisters of Mercy did. 


Our first Mercy Award value this term is “Courage”.  

Sr Mary Austin was a Sister of Mercy and a very special person to the school community here at St Joseph's. She was someone who was very courageous in the decisions she made. We can be just like Sr Austin and be courageous too.  

Some ways we can show COURAGE here at St Joseph's are:  

  • being brave in our learning space and trying new things  
  • making new friends  
  • helping others make new friends  
  • making mistakes and learning from them  
  • not be afraid to share my ideas and wonderings with others  
  • ask questions when I am unsure 


The Mercy Award for Courage will be presented at our first assembly on Friday, 14th February at 9am in the Josephinum. 



Like last year, classes will be allocated to attend Wednesday masses each week. All are welcome to attend.  

The timetable is as follows: 

Term 1, 2025 

Weekday Mass Roster 

Wednesday 9:30 am 





Year 6 


Year 5 


Ash Wednesday: 

 whole school Mass 


Year 4 


Year 3 


Year 2 



No Mass 




Jubilee Year: Pilgrims of Hope –2025 


2025 THEME 

In 2025, the Catholic Church celebrates a Jubilee Year, 

with the theme 'Pilgrims of Hope' chosen by Pope 

Francis. This is a significant year in the life of the Church 

and marks a time of grace and renewal, which will be 

celebrated across the globe. 


What is a Jubilee Year? 

A Jubilee is a special year of grace, conversation, and 

renewal in the Church, traditionally observed every 

25 years or as called by the Pope. It is a time of deep 

prayer, pilgrimage, and sacramental repentance. We 

are invited as members of a faith community to embrace 

holiness in our lives and become living witnesses of 

God's boundless mercy in the world. 


A Jubilee year aims to renew the hope that comes from 

Christ, encouraging a personal and communal journey 

towards God. By strengthening our relationship with 

God and others, we are inspired to live as signs of hope 

in a world that longs for renewal and peace. 

As ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, let us journey together in faith 

as a school community, inspired by the grace of this 

Jubilee Year. May this time of renewal strengthen us to 

share the message of hope and joy with everyone we 




The dates for the Confirmation and Eucharist ceremonies are Saturday May 31st at 6pm and Sunday June 1st at 11am.  

More details to follow.