Physical Education - what's happening at STA!

Sports Equipment

The school has purchased some new sports equipment that we will be using in our lesson with our teachers.  Students in Year 5 got to try out the new balance kit. We also purchased equipment for upcoming Carnival and Fun days.

Martial Arts

The children have been really enjoying their lessons with Mr Phu on Mondays and I have been getting great feedback from parents also. The children will have another 7 weeks of the program.

Practising Martial Arts teaches children:

• Respect & Resilience: teaching children to look others in the eye, to stand up straight and try their best!

• That being 'mean on purpose' in any form is not acceptable.

• Strength, Flexibility and Control all while improving Fitness.

• How to use their voice and hold their body, to show their confidence.

• Self defence techniques and when and when not to use them.

Swimming Championships

We have 19 students representing our school at the Primary Conference 1 Swimming Championships on Monday 3rd March at Des Renford.  We wish all competitors the very best of luck!

Pathway Trials

Let's hear about some of the experiences of the children who got the opportunity to trial for representative pathways sports: 


"This year St Anthony's selected us to go to Heffron Park to participate in a Netball competition to be a part of  the Conference team. We were split into 6 different teams and were able to create new friendships and experience and fun competition.  After getting split up into teams we got to either play our preferred position or a position that we might not be as used to, but throughout the competition we were able to  play our preferred position at least twice.  The teams got to play 4 games and we had breaks in between for food and drinks, talking to your coach and being able to practice as well as toilet breaks. Our coaches and referees were very kind to us and encouraged us to make friends with all our teammates and  make sure that we all have a break. 


They were also stopping  us in the game if we had stepped, obstructed or made a mistake during the game. Towards the end of the netball trials once all teams have finished their games,  the coaches would choose participants to compete in a final game and potentially be chosen to be in the Conference team. You had the option to watch or you could exit and head home. The experience that we went through was so much fun that we would love to experience it again. We are very happy that we could both have the opportunity to be able to have this experience and  we learned many new things about Netball." - Freya and Sienna 

"On Monday at the Netball trials we had an awesome day of fun, really cool experiences like that help us to improve our skills. It was also really fun because we made new friends from different schools and some of them were in year 6. Us and our teams had both had heaps of fun and they helped us throughout all the games. The best part of it was that we all bonded, and it didn’t really matter if one of us made a mistake because we were all so supportive of each other. If one of us fell down the team would help us get up. It was all a really cool experience for us and we would like to do the same more often. We had 4 games altogether to show off our netball skills. We really enjoyed it because we love netball, we learnt new skills and we made many new friends in our teams and got to know them. We really bonded together although we went to different schools. Everyone there was very supportive, kind and caring. Throughout the experience we both had a lot of fun. It was awesome!" - Eloise and Scarlett

"I got the chance to go to the rugby league trials. I loved playing in a team that I have never played with before and it was also my first time doing the trials. I also scored a try playing five-eight. I had fun but I would love it if I did make it in the team. Some players I did know and it was fun to catch up by playing footy together. I loved the experience and I hope I get to do it again next year in high school." - Kai Williams. 


"I think rugby trials were absolutely excellent. Sadly I got injured in the first game which delayed my running and my skills. Other than that it was an amazing experience to be on a different team than usual and get to know other students that have the same interests. The games started when they said and finished when they said. I think the staff were really helpful as well. Overall the event as a whole was really well organised and I would definitely recommend this to anyone else that has fun playing rugby league." - Luke O’Sullivan

Sydney Catholic Schools Representative 

Sports Pathway

Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) Sport coordinates the organisation and implementation of the representative sports pathway in SCS Primary & Secondary schools across the Archdiocese. 


Sydney Catholic Schools is responsible for the provision of representative sport pathway trials for students in Years 5 and 6 in the following sports: Diving, Softball, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Rugby 7s (GIRLS ONLY), Soccer, Hockey and Netball. Representative sport pathway trials for students in Years 4 and 5 are offered for the following sports in Term 4: AFL, Basketball, Golf (Years 3-6), Cricket, Touch Football and Tennis. 


The school-run Athletics Carnival, Swimming Carnival and Cross Country Trials are held for the purposes of selecting students to represent our school in the SCS representative sport pathway. Children must be turning 8-years-old or are older in the year of competition e.g. if a child is born in 2012-2017 for the 2025 competition they are eligible to be selected. This policy is according to Catholic Schools New South Wales who oversees Sydney Catholic Schools Sports. 


For more information and updates about SCS Sport, please visit this website.

Cross Country 2025

Years 2 - 6 will also be preparing for Cross Country Trials which will be held in Week 6 of this term. Miss Claffey will select students to attend a trial at Varna Park. On Monday, 10th March selected students from Year 2 & 3 will have their trial at 8.15am. They will then walk back to school with Miss Claffey. On Friday, 14th March selected students from Years 4, 5 & 6 will have their trial at 8.15am. They will walk back to school that morning with Miss Claffey. If student are successful they will have the opportunity to represent St Anthony's at the SCS Cross Country Championships. 

Important Dates

Here is an outline of what is happening in Semester 1. Some event dates are subject to change due to weather conditions etc.  Other events may be added later in the term so please check each newsletter issue. Detailed information for parents will be sent out via compass with resources attach for your attention. Please read thoroughly.

Term 1   
Netball Girls Pathway TrialSelected StudentsMonday 17th February (Week 3)
Rugby Boys Pathway TrialSelected StudentsMonday 24th February (Week 4)
Soccer Girls & Boys TrialSelected StudentsWednesday 26th February (Week 4)
Swimming ChampionshipsSelected StudentsMonday 3rd March (Week 5)
Stage 3 Netball Gala DayAll Students in Years 5&6Tuesday 1st April (Week 9)
Term 2  
Cross Country ChampionshipsSelected StudentsTuesday 6th May (Week 2)
Stage 3 European Handball Gala DayAll Students in Years 5 & 6Tuesday 13th May (Week 3)
STA Athletics CarnivalAll Students K-6Monday 19th of May (Week 4)
Stage 2 Netball Gala DayAll Students in Year 3 & 4Tuesday 27th May (Week 5)
Stage 3 Tchoukball Gala DayAll Students in Years 5 & 6Tuesday 10th June (Week 7)

 If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Is mise le meas,


Miss Bríd Claffey

Sport Teacher