Senior Years Report

Year 12 Camp
Year 12 students begun their final year of secondary schooling with a 3-day preparation camp at Federation University in Ballarat.
Students were able to experience the lifestyle of a university student by living on campus in the dormitory accommodation, attend lecture style presentations, engage in wellbeing strategies to help cope with the stressors of Year 12, and many opportunities to form positive relationships with teachers and other students during our amazing race and trivia night.
Students heard from guest speaker Craig Harper from The You Project podcast speak about self-awareness, motivation, and goal setting. This remained a theme throughout the 3 days as students reflected on their purpose and what they want to achieve in 2025.
Students were also able to listen to recently graduated year 12 students from Lara Secondary College and ask questions about what to expect for the year ahead.
As a cohort we were able to create our 2025 Year 12 Slogan – Success thrives on discipline and grows with persistence.
This will be in all year 12 classrooms as a reminder of what this cohort want to be remembered for as the class of 2025.
I wish the year 12’s all the best with their studies and goals for the year ahead, and I speak on behalf of all year 12 teachers in saying that they have made an impressive start. We really look forward to continuing to support you to realise your potential.
Mr Johnson
Year 12 Coordinator
Year 12 VCE VM Excursion
Our Year 12 VM Students will participate in a variety of excursions over this term to demonstrate outcomes in Literacy, personal development skills and personal development.
Last Thursday our students attended the Great Ocean Road Chocolatier, we are looking forward to seening photos from their next excursion, the Grand Prix!