Assistant Principal
Danielle Frost
Assistant Principal
Danielle Frost
A message from the fastest man on earth,
Noah Lyles,
recent winner of the Men's 100m sprint
Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered to assist on Friday August 16. Please see your name below and your allocated job (NB: your name may appear more than once!)
We are excited to invite you to join us for our Term Three Parents and Friends (P&F) meeting on Wednesday, August 21, at 6:30 PM. This meeting will be held in St. Margaret Marys, and it's a wonderful opportunity for you to get involved and stay informed about what’s happening in our school community.
Parents are invited to join us on Thursday August 22 at 9am for the St MM’s Book Week Parade. Students come dressed as their favourite book character for the day. The Book Week Theme for this year is “Reading is Magic”.
Each year, to celebrate Book Week and to continue to encourage our children to read, St Margaret Mary’s hosts the Scholastic Book Fair. Last Year our Book Fair was a huge success, and we received a considerable amount of monetary rewards with Scholastic, that has been spent on a range of books and resources for all classrooms.
This year we will be holding our Book Fair again in Week 6. The books will arrive on Monday 26th August and the students will have a chance to have a look and create a wishlist on Tuesday in class time. Parents and Carers will be able to use the wish list information to sign into scholastics and pay for books the students have chosen online, then return to school the following day with the list and a receipt number and the books will be organised for the students to bring home. You are also welcome to come and view the books and other items at school. The fair will be open on Tuesday 27th from 3.10pm. It will also be open Wednesday and Thursday both before school and after school in week 6.
If you are able to assist with the running of the fair please let Laura Courtenay know of the day and or time you can assist at this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your support and encouragement, reading is an important part of your child’s learning and imaginative journey.
“If you are going to get anywhere in life you have to read a lot of books.”
Roald Dahl
In Week 8 of every term, the staff are placing a focus on the wellbeing. In the busyness of everyday life, it is important to take the necessary action to be present and mindful of your own wellbeing.
This term, Wellbeing Week coincides with R U OK Day on Thursday September 12. With this in mind, the school has engaged Mrs Susanne North (founder of SPIEL) to run a series of parent and student wellbeing workshops. Susanne North was the former Family Educator at St MM’s and is known to many in our community. Please note the dates and information on the flyer.