Hello from our students and teachers

Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

Grade 5/6 C and Ms. Jacinta Condon.


In mathematics the grade 5/6 students are always ready and willing to solve a range of problems. Last week, students were asked to solve a problem known as Ravi's castle.

Students worked independently using blocks to work through some possible solutions. Here are some pictures of our attempts to solve the problem.



For the past 5 weeks, students have been busy producing reports. They have produced everything from pamphlets, posters and power points about a range of different topics. Here is some of the amazing work that we have created in class.



During reading sessions, the focus has been on non-fiction texts. We have enjoyed reading about the world in different ways. Some of the great books and articles we have looked at can be found at:



Time for Kids

Book Week Photos