Sustainability @ TPPS

Did you know that we have 4 different types of bins in our classrooms? Our school has saved lots of money and helped nature by reducing the amount of rubbish we send to landfill.
Our little red bin is for any landfill rubbish but usually it is not even half filled by the end of the day. This is because of our fantastic families who are so supportive of our “Waste Free Schools” policy. Any packaging is sent back home and all of our food scraps are 100% composted and used on our gardens. Thank you all so much for your help!
Our blue bins are for paper recycling and our yellow bins are for recyclable containers.
Lastly we have little buckets for our food scraps which are emptied into the compost bins once a week, washed and returned to class.
All of our students are experts in choosing the right bin to put rubbish in. Well done Tempy Park!
In our Sustainability lessons this fortnight…
Grade 1s have been learning about frogs and listening to the interesting sounds different Australian frogs make. If you would like to hear them too, click on this YouTube link: Australian Frog Sounds - A compilation of calls from 15 different frog species in Australia
We found out that a healthy frog population means a healthy environment!
Grade 3s have been investigating why plants have flowers and noticing all the variety of flowers we have in our school garden. We collected, sorted and photographed some flowers, and looked at them with magnifying glasses.
In Grade 4, we had lots of mushrooms popping up in our button mushroom box! We hope some of you have enjoyed some mushrooms on toast at home.
We also worked hard weeding the herb garden and “chopping and dropping” herbs such as lavender, rosemary and southern wood onto our vegie garden to deter snails from finding our new seedlings.
In other news, TPPS was visited by teachers from other Resource Smart Schools to see our Sustainability initiatives in action. They were very impressed with everything we are doing and loved meeting the hens as well!
The Grade 6 students might be interested to see that our potatoes are growing very well in their sacks. Every now and then we add more soil to cover the stems and let more potatoes grow.
Blossom was very proud of her egg that she laid!
We have made a new perch for the hens to sleep on at night, hopefully they like it!