
Student of the Week Award Winners- Week 6

Student of the Week Awards - Week 7

FA - Leni L

FMM- Amaya J

1/2S - Otis G

1/2T - Winnie A, Charlie S and Mira B

3/4J - Ahlam A

3/4L - Edwin C

3/4S - Chester O

5/6BC - Edin

5/6J - Evie D

5/6K - Stella D

Happy Birthday for Week 7 to ...

Elira N, Luna G, Amelie V, Oscar L, James C!!


Student Learning - 1/2

1/2S has been working amazingly well with our student teacher, Steven. Steven is completing his first ever teaching placement and has been teaching a lot of maths to us. He has taught us the concept of doubling and halving, linking it to repeated addition and equal sharing. Steven is teaching 1/2S the necessary strategies to understand the concepts of multiplication. Thank you Steven.

We also started a collaborative colouring activity to celebrate Wear it Purple Day. Once the poster is coloured in, it will be displayed in the classroom to show and celebrate how proud we are of our diversity. 

In 1/2T this week, the students had a blast using their 5 senses to see what happens when we add heat to materials like chocolate.

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