Principal's Message

School Philosophy
Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.
From the Principal
It has been another busy fortnight here at Orchard Grove!
Firstly, I would like to thank Bec Bird for organising a fantastic Science Week - Night under the Stars on Tuesday and the Science Fairs on Friday. I would also like to thank the staff that stayed late on Tuesday and Friday to support Bec. Thank you also to our students and parents for engaging with the week, allowing us to celebrate and highlight Science within our community.
Congratulations to our Winter Interschool AFL team for finishing 3rd in the Region! This a marvellous achievement and we are very proud of the team and their coach Mr Tooth. This is the highest finish for an OGPS team for many years (according to our records keeper Mr Liston!).
Last Friday we had another inductee to our Hall of Fame - Jess Campbell for reaching the highest level of domestic competition in Rugby. Jess played for the Melbourne Rebels before moving to Europe and playing in Ireland and now France. She was home on a short holiday and we are very lucky she was available to come to our Assembly. Jess was one of our school captains in 2012 and was inducted by our Mirrabooka house captains.
We are very excited about our production coming up next term! Tickets are now on sale - please see the Compass notification from Andrew Moore with further details. We will also have a dedicated page within the newsletter to keep you up to date with costume needs, ticket sales and many more frequently asked questions.
Finally, our parent opinion survey is still open (closes on the 30th of August). Could I please encourage you all to look up the details on Compass and take a few minutes to complete this for us?
Thanks everyone!
Michelle Ogilvie