School Communication

Schools can be extremely busy places and communication with families is very important. In order to keep you up to date with everything that is happening at St Thomas More Primary School we use different forms of communication tools. Below is a list of each of the programs we use and how they are used.
School Stream is our online communication platform. We will send messages and important information on the app. You can download this app from your smart phone app store.
The school newsletter will be emailed home fortnightly, if email is provided, and published on our School App – School Stream. This is an invaluable source of information and we encourage you to read it. Notices for the newsletter should be handed to office staff by the Monday prior. Classroom teachers will also share a termly class newsletter, this will give families a further insight into what is happening at school.
Operoo is a Health and Safety System that automatically keeps medical and emergency details up to date for any organisation with a duty of care. Operoo was implemented at St Thomas More in 2017 and automates the permission and consent form process. We will also send all notifications out via School Stream email.
We also have social media accounts using the Facebook and Instagram platforms, these can be found by searching our school name in the search function. These are less formal communication lines and are used to share current events happening at school.
Emails can be sent at any time to either the school office or classroom teachers, we ask teachers to not answer any emails in the evening for their own mental wellbeing so please be understanding of this. If you have sent an email and not had a response within 48 hours please contact the school office.
SMS (text messaging)
It is my preference for teachers not to hand out their personal mobile numbers to members of the school community for school communication purposes but understand this does happen on some unavoidable occasions. Please where possible use email to communicate with classroom teachers. If a parent does have a teacher's personal phone number I would ask that this is not shared with others and is not used to text or call the teacher if not previously discussed.
Teacher email addresses:
Declan McDermott - Principal -
Danielle George - Deputy Principal -
Marcia Janky - School Leader, 4/5 Teacher -
Belinda Saville - School Leader, 4/5 Teacher -
Donna Anderton - School Leader and Art -
Jess Jones - 5/6 Teacher -
Katherine McLoughlin - 2/3 Teacher -
Joanne Piaser - Prep/1 teacher -
Jeanette Wicks - Sport and Performing Arts -
Kaori Bawden - Japanese -