From the Principal

We have been rocked with some wild weather this week as we start to move towards the end of August (WOW!). Our week has once again been full of fun and learning, this kicked off with our Book Week dress up day on Monday. The 9:00 am parade was full of wonderful costumes and a great time was had by young and old. A special thanks to the large group of parents/grandparents that were in attendance. Please check out the "Learning & Teaching" tab for more information and photos.
I have been so proud of the hard work dedication our students have been showing towards their learning. I have been conducting a few school tours of late and the feedback from the families has been how amazing and on task our students are. I will make sure I mention this at our upcoming assembly as it is important that the students hear what an amazing job they have been doing and that we are very proud of them!
The McDermott clan had an exciting weekend as we celebrated Cameron's first birthday. We used the amazing school hall to host family and friends and had a great time celebrating. It is amazing how fast they grow up. Tomorrow I have the chance to attend my Son and Daughter's school for a Father's Day activity morning. I am looking forward to making special memories with them.
I would like to take this chance to wish all of the dads and other special men in our lives a happy Father's Day for Sunday. Mums, you may have to do me a favour and let the dads know, as I am sure most don't read the newsletter (that was a big generalisation I know!). Being a dad is the best thing in the world.
Planning for 2025 is well underway, I have been meeting regularly with our Business Partner as we discuss budgets and other items. MACS have instructed schools that each school must increase fees to match the ongoing cost of suppliers and day to day running of the school. MACS will continue to offer the fee concession for any Concession/Pension card holders. If any family is struggling with school fees, I ask them to please come and see me. There are always options and ways in which we can support families.
Also, if any families are planning on moving from St Thomas More, please let me know as soon as possible for planning purposes.
Just a note for parents that I will be away at the Outer East Principal Conference on Thursday and Friday of next week. Mrs Danielle George will be Acting Principal in my absence.
Closure Days in Term 4:
Just for parents reference, there are a number of closure days in Term 4 for various reasons (Time in Lieu days and Professional Learning/Planning). Please see below the dates of closure and mark them in your diaries.
Monday 21st of October - School Closure (Professional Learning)
Monday 4th of November - School Closure (Time in Lieu day for staff)
Tuesday 5th of November - Melbourne Cup (Public Holiday)
Monday 2nd of December - School Closure (Planning)
Tuesday 3rd of December - School Closure (RE Professional Learning)
Swimming Feedback:
I thank the parents who have contacted me to provide feedback on their experiences with the Monbulk swimming program. The school will consider all of the feedback as we plan our 2025 swimming program.
Long Service Leave:
Over the weekend, I sent an email to families in our 4/5 classroom to inform them that over the next few weeks, both Belinda Saville and Marcia Janky will be taking some well-deserved Long Service Leave. Belinda will be away this week and next week, and Marcia will be away in weeks 9 and 10. During these staff absences, Mr Ben Walsh and Ms Holly Hogan will be taking affected classes. There will be no changes to the 4/5 learning program.
Just an early note for families, I will be taking some Long Service Leave late in Term 4 (Early December), my daughter Emma will be competing in the Cheerleading Nationals on the Gold Coast, so we are taking the opportunity to get away as a family at the same time.
Outstanding NAPLAN results:
Our NAPLAN results for 2024 were fantastic, we are so proud of all our students. They have worked so hard to improve and that is all we can ask for.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Greta M and Ezra B who excelled in their testing. Greta ranked in the exceeding band for all five of her NAPLAN assessments. Ezra ranked in the exceeding band for four of his assessments and in the strong band for his fifth. Well done to both of you. We are very proud of you. These students, along with some other students, will be recognized at our next school assembly on Monday, 2nd of September.
Father's Day Stall:
Our Father's Day Stall will take place tomorrow in the School Hall. We generally find that $10 is more than enough money to find something that Dad will love to open on Father's Day.
District Athletics:
The SSV Sherbrooke/Boronia District Athletics Championships are being held on Wednesday, 4th of September. We have a team of 33 athletes representing our school. An Operoo went out late last week with information including the schedule of the day (I have also attached it here).
Good luck and go well Team STM!!!
Japan Fun Day!
On Thursday, 5th of September we are holding our 2nd Japan Fun Day. Bawden Sensei has a wide range of fun and engaging activities planned including a Japanese incursion (Taiko Experience), Origami activities, Kendama competition and much more. The students are invited to dress up in anything that represents Japanese culture. This might be red and white, Pokémon themed clothing or something traditional. It is sure to be an awesome day!
Gaga Pit / Shed / Working Bee:
I am in the process of organising the Gaga Pit for our school. This was advertised during the Bunnings BBQ time. Amazingly the Bunnings BBQ fundraiser will cover just under half the price of the Gaga pit. Hopefully fundraising efforts from the School Disco and also the Trivia night will cover the costings completely.
The Pit can be assembled during a Working Bee (hopefully on September 14th). We will also aim to install our outdoor shed and top up the playground with some soft fall. I am just seeing if I can arrange delivery of all these items before September 14th. If I cannot, we will look for early Term 4.
Footy Dress up Day!
On Thursday 19th of September, we are inviting students to dress up in their footy colours for the day. As finals footy approaches it is always a fun day to dress up and show our team spirit.
Free Toastie Day!
The Wonderful P&F committee are providing a Free Toastie lunch for all students on the final day of Term 3. The 4/5/6 students are out at the Wild Robot movie, however they will be back in time for lunch.
Thanks so much P&F!!
Save the Date: Grandparents Mass / Morning Activities:
Please note, on Thursday October 17th we will be holding a special Grandparents Mass / Activities morning here at STM. The mass will begin at 9:00 am. More details will follow over the next few weeks.
Eggs for Sale
We are finally able to put our chicken eggs up for sale. The money we receive from the eggs is being used to purchase pellets and seed for the chickens. Eggs are $7.00 per dozen, if you would like to make a purchase please contact Tarnia Hiosan in the office.
Lunch Orders - Mondays:
Subway Vermont South and Canteen Hub are very pleased to be able to offer the Subs For Your School Lunch Program.
- Every Monday
- Place your order by 4:30 pm Sunday - the day before
- If you are using a VPN please select Australia
- Please register at
- Select St Thomas More Primary School
- If you need to cancel your order this can be done via under your profile up to the order cut-off time.
- Need help please email
Thank you and God bless