Kharisma Kids - OSHC

This week we celebrated everything India. The children participated in decorating their own flags with rolled up crepe paper balls and gluing them onto a template. It was time consuming and tested some of the children’s patience, but many persevered, some helped each other to get the task done.
We also had fun with Mehndi (Henna Tattoo). This product has been used for thousands of years in various cultures including in India for many celebrations. Although it is called a tattoo, it is not permanent so we know what designs we did will come off in time.
With Hanna’s mum (Simsy) helping us decorate some of the children’s hands as part of our celebration of India’s Independence Day. Thank you Simsy for your participation.
We have kicked off our Afternoon Snack menu change with delicious healthy platters as the weather warms up. It’s great to see how enthusiastic the children are with selecting a balanced plate of healthy food to refuel their bodies before we head outside to play.
Rob, Lucas, Marlene, Sarah
The Kharisma Kids Team