Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News
Reading: Aim for 20 minutes minimum reading per night. As students complete a book, they are to record the author, title and date of finishing in their Reader’s Workshop book. We encourage students to read aloud, either to themselves or a parent.
Mathematics: Continue working on general multiplication skills and number facts.
SACSA: SACSA football tryouts have begun, along with tryouts for Connected Schools Athletics. SACSA Y5/6 football is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11th.
Exhibition: Exhibition will be starting next week. During this time of learning, Mrs. Zadow and Ms. Neumann will be taking the year 6 students, while Mr. Napier will be leading the year 5 students through their unit of inquiry.
Exhibition Parent information: Mrs Zadow and Ms Neumann will be running a parent information session for Year 6 parents. It is important that you attend one of these sessions, so you understand the process and learning involved. These will be held on;
Tuesday 3rd September @ 9am
Wednesday 4th September @ 5pm
Wednesday 4th September @ 7pm.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Year 6 Graduation: We would like to share a photo gallery of the graduating class on graduation night. We need 2 photos of your child to show how they have grown up into the students we know today. These photos can be emailed to Ms. Neumann ( Please include a baby photo and first day of school photo. Please have these in by the end of Term 3.
Pupil Free Show Day: The school will have a pupil free day next Friday, September 6th for our official ‘Show Day’. Teachers will be taking part in professional development on that day.
Current and Upcoming Learning
Christian Studies: Students are creating a presentation of the themes of their chosen book of the bible. Some students are doing plasticine or lego models, dioramas or posters to share their learning.
Unit Of Inquiry and Literacy: As we finish up our government unit, students are writing a persuasive text about what they believe the government should invest money into to solve a current issue. These persuasive texts are due next Thursday, September 5th with limited time left in class to work on them. There is a rubric available on Toddle showing the criteria for students to successfully write their persuasive text and we have worked through persuasive techniques in class. We have also worked through what it means to have a democratic government with the students recording some of the knowledge they have gained over the unit.
Mathematics: Students have continued their unit on fractions and are now moving into how to add and subtract decimal numbers.
Yours sincerely,
Luke Napier
Lauren Neumann
Jayne Zadow