Year 2/3

Year 2/3 Cluster News
Home Inquiry
High Frequency Words: Most students have now explored the first 300 High-Frequency words. Words can be re-sent home for practice if required.
Mathematics: Create symmetrical drawings at home this week. What shapes are easiest to use?
Reading: Aim to read 15 minutes at home per night.
Inquiry: Share with your family about our excursion to the art gallery this week.
Learning this week:
Literacy: Jolly Spelling: Year 2 sound focus this week is: are for air. The Year 3 sound focus this week is: o for oa. Below are the two lists of words we will be using at school to practise the sounds with.
Year 2 = are for air | Year 3 – o for oa | |
film kept hare care share scare square nightmare millilitre litre | open oval only poem total clover mosaic cocoa mobile | Roman pronoun moment ogre anchovy overboard vocabulary macaroni steamroller |
Year 2 Key: underlined = revision words; bold = high frequency words
Learning this week:
Writer’s Workshop: We will continue our next writing study focusing on expanding our vocabulary. We will explore the Parts of Speech throughout this unit: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and more...
Reader’s Workshop: we will spend the term exploring the elements of reading as part of our unit of inquiry – How We Express Ourselves. This week we will explore
Mathematics: We will finish exploring shapes and objects this week in mathematics. We will begin exploring symmetry and angles this week.
Unit of Inquiry: We will finish our UOI – How We Express Ourselves – with a focus on the elements of the arts.
Pupil Free Show Day – The Term 3 Show Day is fast approaching. Please note there is a pupil free day Friday Week 7, September 6th.
Tri Skills – Please note that we have Tri Skills for the next four weeks (Week 4 – 7). This will happen on Thursday’s, so please wear PE uniform on Thursdays for the next four weeks. Week 4 – 15th August; Week 5- 22nd August; Week 6- 29th August; Week 7 – 5th September.
Premier’s Reading Challenge – Please keep reading books at home to help your children to fill in their PRC lists. We will also be completing books as a class to help as well.
Special Persons Afternoon – Please note that the date has changed for Special Person’s Afternoon (SPA). It will now be Friday the 20th of September (Week 9, Friday).
Blessings for the week ahead,
Brodie Trezona
Year 2/3 Teacher