From the School Leadership Team

Book Fair
Thank you to Ruth Carter and Pam Amos, our teacher-librarians from Golden Grove Lutheran and Wynn Vale School, who have worked together to put on an a amazing Book Fair for us again this year. It is exciting to see excellent collaborations between ourselves and Wynn Vale School in putting on a great event for the students. There are lots of great books on sale, at an affordable price - starting from as low as $4. It has been such a joy seeing the students enjoy all of the Book Week activities last week, and now the Book Fair this week!
A few reminders
Please be reminded of some of our key events coming up over the next few weeks.
- Friday 30 August - Fathers' Day Stall
- Friday 6 September - Pupil Free Day
- Friday 20 September - Special Person's Afternoon (please note this is now one week later due to clash with SACSA AFL on Friday 13 September)
- Friday 27 September - Closing Service
Will Wallace
Getting along with siblings
I grew up with 2 sisters and while we had our moments, we generally got along ok. Today my own children again have their moments but generally they get along well too! There have been times when they get upset with who’s doing more around the house, but they are most often very understanding of each other and their expectations.
For those of you who have multiple children – How well do they get along? Do you have endless problems or aren’t sure on exactly how to best deal with it? In Justin’s latest insight he gives advice on how to deal with sibling relationships and how to deal with problems that arise.
Every blessing!
Tim Kriewaldt
Deputy Principal