Grade 3 News

Important Reminders
Monday August 26th onwards: Hat policy back in force
Tuesday August 27th: Swimming Program (every Tuesday, finishing end of Term 3)
Thursday September 5 OR Tuesday September 10: Student Led Conferences
Friday September 13: School Disco
Monday September 16th: Celebration Morning
Friday September 20th: Last Day of Term 3 - 2.30pm finish
Homework 👍 Mathletics and reading. For those wishing to practise their Maths Masters skills, we have linked the belts with some online games. Your child should be able to tell you what belt they are practising All master belts
Swimming It was a cold and wet day for our first session at Aquatic Achievers, but based on student reports, the water was warm! Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled, so that we can ensure the right clothes end up back with the right student.
Learning in Action
Last week marked the completion of our Poetry literacy unit. Students consolidated their understanding by spending time reading poems aloud, focusing on expression, appropriate pausing, projecting their voice and making eye contact. Students then were recorded reading a poem of their choice (see videos below). During Writing, students continued publishing their own poems and put together their very own poetry anthology.
This week, we began our Biography literacy unit. Students learnt that a biography is the true story of someone’s life being told by someone else. We focused on understanding the purpose, audience and structure of biographies by reading a number of biographies including; Steve Irwin, Patty Mills and Cathy Freeman. Our Grade 3 classes also worked together to plan and draft a biography about Cathy Freeman.
During our grammar lessons, students have built on their understanding of coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS - for, and, nor, but/because, or, yet, so). They explored adding an idea and conjunction to the beginning of a simple sentence, and to the end of a simple sentence, to create a compound sentence.
Students also spend time each week working on both reading and writing goals with the support of their teacher and peers, as well as having time to independently work towards their goal.
It was fabulous to see so many different characters from our favourite books represented on our Book Week Celebration Day. A huge thank you to parents and carers for helping to create a fun filled day.
Here are some of our wonderful Grade 3 students reading a poem of their choice:
Over the next fortnight, students will work towards identifying the main idea within paragraphs of biographies. They will also draft their own paragraphs of a biography, ensuring that they include topic sentences, followed by supporting details that are written in sequential order.
This week we have begun our division unit, with students receiving individual goals to work towards. During our whole class learning time, students reflected on their prior knowledge, used arrays to identify how division equations can be inverted to multiplication equations, made connections between multiplication facts and reflected on how we can use these facts to help with solving division equations. In applied maths, we are studying 2D and 3D shapes, using correct labelling such as vertices, edges and faces.
Over the next fortnight, students will continue working on their division goals, with whole class learning focusing on the difference between finding the partition verse finding the quotation. During our study on shapes, students will construct three dimensional shapes and label.
This fortnight, students have started rotations to different grade 3 teachers to learn more about specific parts of Aboriginal culture. Students have learnt about 2 out of 4 of the following topics: food, shelter, tools and art. With Mrs Huxley, students have been exploring the different foods that Aboriginal people ate, and comparing that food to what we eat in modern Australia. With Miss Du Vallon, students have discovered how and what traditional shelters were made out of. They then also got a chance to design their own shelter using different materials. With Mrs Alexander, students are learning about Aboriginal symbols represented in traditional artwork, and creating their own symbols to tell their own stories. With Mrs Stokol and Miss Salt, students are exploring different traditional tools and how they were used in different environments. They have been creating diagrams about the materials used, the locations they were used in, and what they looked like.
Students will complete their rotations over the next fortnight, exploring the 2 topics that they haven’t had a chance to learn about yet. Students will then start collecting all the information that they have learnt about to create a final product to show at Celebration Morning at the end of the term.
This fortnight students have been reviewing the Friendship Facts and using scenarios to discuss whether something is a Friendship Fire or is Mean on Purpose. Students have enjoyed role playing different scenarios and having great discussions around each scenario. Students also shared strategies they would use if they were in that scenario such as quick comebacks.
Looking forward students will learn about how they can be a ‘Rainy Day Friend’; learning to be there for people when they are having a bad day or feeling down. Students will also begin looking at gender and identity in the following fortnight.
Grade 3 Team,
Mrs Stokol, Miss Du Vallon, Mrs Alexander, Mrs Huxley and Mrs Rosewarne