Grade 2 News

Important reminders
Friday 13th September: School Disco
Monday 16th September: Celebration Morning
Each Tuesday in weeks 6-10: Swimming Program
Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term (2.30 dismissal)
The Lysterfield Primary School SunSmart policy states that students will be asked to wear a sun protective hat from mid-August until April. All students are expected to be wearing their school hats from Monday 26th. Students who do not have their hats will be required to play under the shade and shelter. Please ensure your child's hat is named.
Our swimming program runs every Tuesday until the end of term. Students are encouraged to wear their bathers underneath their school clothes. If girls are wearing one-piece bathers, we will allow time for them to change at school. We encourage all students to bring crocs or thongs to school to change into before leaving for the pool. Any items that have been lost or left behind will be bought back to school and left near the lost property bin at the end of the day.
Book week
What a fabulous day our students had celebrating their favourite characters and authors. To celebrate this year's theme 'Reading is magic', students listened to Possum Magic by Mem Fox and designed their own book cover. All grade 2 students came together to show off their costumes in a parade, followed by a dance party. We had such a fabulous morning together!
Science day
Wow, what a success our first science day was, and to top it off we got to celebrate the hard work our students put in to make their balloon-powered cars. Throughout the day students experienced a chemical science experiment where we watched coloured water 'walk' through paper towel and transfer into the empty cup. This process was called 'Capillary action'. Students learnt about the Milkyway and drew their own galaxy along with an incursion where they learnt about different reptile species.
History incursion
Last Thursday, the Grade 2 students participated in an incursion called 'Toys Over Time,' which was connected to our history unit, 'How Things Change Over Time.' Students had the opportunity to observe the evolution of toys and learn about how they were made differently in the past. The students had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed the experience!
Learning in action
To celebrate all our learning in our poetry unit, students presented one of their poems to their class. The grade 2 teachers were proud of the bravery students demonstrated to present in front of their peers. This week we are commencing our personal narrative unit in both reading and writing. Students listened to different personal narrative stories, looking at the structure and language that is used.
Students will revisit what visualising is and how vocabulary is used in personal narratives.
This fortnight students explored how conjunctions are used in sentences and applied what they learnt to create sentences that included conjunctions. This week students selected a personal experience and used this to plan their first personal narrative.
Students will use their personal narrative plan to create a draft. Understanding the purpose of conjunctions will continue next week.
Last week students learnt another division strategy. Students knew the total and how many in each group but needed to work out how many groups there were. We concluded our time unit and engaged in a student-led activity where they had to identify the time, connect the different representations of time and identify the duration of time. This week, students applied known division and multiplication strategies to help solve different equations in games.
We will be commencing our fractions unit.
This last fortnight students learnt about displaying self-compassion by discussing things they do to take care of themselves. Students also engaged in conversations about things they like doing, comparing to what others like and how other people's interests and preferences can improve the way they interact together.
Lex Fisher, Taryn Bailey, Catia Anson, Rachel Manning and Kelly Reynolds.
Grade 2 Teachers