Grade 1 News

Important Reminders
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
Grade 1 Library is on Thursdays. Please ensure your child has their library bag so they can borrow weekly.
Grade 1 students will be attending an incursion on the 11th of September. Please check Compass for details and to allow permission.
Readers are swapped on Mondays- Please make sure your child brings their old reader and 'Take Home' bag every Monday. Students are required to bring their take-home bags to school daily.
A few upcoming dates-
Wednesday 11th September: Grade 1 Incursion
Friday 13th September: School Disco
Monday 16th September: Celebration Morning
Each Tuesday in weeks 6-10: Swimming Program
Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term (2.30 dismissal)
The Lysterfield Primary School SunSmart policy states that students will be asked to wear a sun protective hat from mid-August until April. All students are expected to be wearing their school hats from Monday 26th. Students who do not have their hats will be required to play under the shade and shelter. Please ensure your child's hat is named.
Our swimming program has commenced and we are so proud of the way grade 1 students listened to their teachers to adjust to the new routine of a new swimming centre and schedule.
Just a few reminders:
- Students are encouraged to wear their bathers underneath their school clothes.
- Could you please ensure all items of clothing (school uniform and bathers) are clearly labelled with your child’s name
- In addition to their normal school bag, could you please pack a small bag for students to take to swimming which has a towel, thongs/crocs & goggles (if wearing them)
- Students will change in to their thongs / crocs at school, before departing for swimming so will not take their runners to the pool.
- Given the change of routine, there will be some changes to eating times for Grade 1 students, including an additional snack time once returning to school from swimming. Could you please add in an extra snack in your child’s lunch box for swimming days.
- Lost property is located outside sick bay
- Only Lysterfield staff are allowed in change rooms
Swimming times for Grade 1 classes are as follows:
1I and 1PR swimming session: 12:55 – 1:25
1A swimming session: 1:25-1:55
If you have any further questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
Learning in Action
Learning in Action:
This fortnight students have continued their work in decoding and encoding new phonemes, while also revising some we have already learnt. This week we learnt the /oo/ like in 'book' and /oo/ like in 'goose', while also revising /oi/ and /oy/. Students did well at looking at rules and the chitter chatter cards to help them successfully read and write words and sentences. We also learnt about using pronouns in our writing and students had a go at using different pronouns like she, he and they to write sentences.
Students have continued their work on their Poetry Anthology book, which they are excited to show off to their families during our Student Led Conferences. This week, students have learnt free verse poems and how we use our senses to write these. Students have been working hard to write a free verse poem as well as visualise and make connections to poems about the1900s.
Preview for Learning:
Students will be introduced to /ow/ and /ou/ digraphs while continuing to revise previous sounds. Students will revise adverbs and practice using them in their writing to improve vocabulary.
We are also starting our new writing topic with a focus on personal narratives. Students will start the writing process, beginning with thinking, talking, drawing, and labelling to develop ideas they could write about.
Students will also be busy preparing their learning for Student Led Conferences. If you have any questions about this, please contact your child's teacher or the office.
Book Week:
The students had a fantastic time celebrating Book Week. We were so impressed by the costumes so please enjoy some fabulous photos.
Learning in Action:
In Maths this fortnight students were introduced to the maths concept of division, which is the sharing of items into equal groups. Students generated an “action” to the word “division” and have noted the common language used, such as sharing, how many, equal groups, fair, shared between, shared equally and divide.
Through the sharing of verbal stories, students worked through multiple equations using concrete materials and used the science sentence maths cards to represent their thinking. We moved quickly into the concept of “left overs” where a collection cannot be shared evenly and there are remainders.
In our Time/Duration Unit, students began to learn the language associated with chance. They then categorised events into will happen, won’t happen and might happen, and placed them within the probability scale.
Preview for learning
In the upcoming fortnight, students will complete a Division assessment and commence a new learning unit on Fractions.
Learning in Action:
This fortnight we have learnt all about Life in the 1800s and the 1900s (with the inclusion of WWII). We have looked at these times in history through a lens of 3 key questions:
- What did families look like?
- How did people communicate?
- How did people learn?
Students have made connections to their own lives, as well as recognising any similarities and differences they have observed between the different civilizations we are learning about. We can’t wait to see students experience their learning about the 1800s ‘come to life’ as part of our incursion later this term.
Preview for Learning:
Over the next fortnight, we will begin a reflection of the different civilizations we have learnt about this term, whereby students will create their own timeline beginning from Early Indigenous Australians 60,000 years ago.
Students had an amazing time participating in science activities for the day last Tuesday. Students completed a chemical science experiment in their classes by making 'walking water walk'. They were amazed watching the colours move from each cup. Students enjoyed learning about our galaxy and using chalk to draw their own spiral galaxy. Our ‘Feathers, Fur and Scales’ incursion was super fun and students enjoyed meeting and patting a range of animals including a snake, lizard, sugar-glider, parrot and alligator! We also loved welcoming our families into our classrooms to show them all the things we had been working on in STEM this term.
We want to thank Mrs Adams and Mrs Chamberlain for planning such a fun and engaging day for our students and families.
1A Photos
1I Photos
1PR Photos
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Grade 1 award winners.
Grade 1 |
1i - Madi D & Aiden C |
1A - Max K & James D |
1PR - Rhyan S & Phoenix H |
From the Grade 1 teachers,
Caillin Ibbotson, Isabella Albanese, Kayla Pepper & Rachel Ryan