Prep News

Important Reminders!
All important dates and events are on ou Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
- Father’s Day Morning, 9.15-10am: Our Dads or Special Person are invited to the prep classrooms on Friday the 30th of August to engage in fun activities with your child.
- Monday September 2nd - Prep Excursion to MoPA. Students need to wear their full school uniform and will not take their school bags. Please pack your child a drink bottle, snack and lunch in one disposable bag with your child’s name on it.
- Student led conferences: Thursday 5th September & Tuesday 10th September, bookings through Compass
Learning in Action
Literacy:We have now finished our poetry unit. We revisited all the poems we listened to this term and students where asked to draw and write about their favourite. Students wrote acrostic poems about school and friends. For the rest of the term, we will explore personal narratives, reading them in class and writing our very own. This week we have worked on predicting. Students used the text clues to make a smart guess about what the book could be about. Students learnt two new decoding games, celebrity heads and roll and read to practise decoding words in an engaging way. In Writing, students were thrilled when we learned experienced bubbles and wrote about them, focusing on what they did and how they felt. Through Word Work sessions, students wrote words with ‘r’ blends such as ‘tr’, ‘br’ and ‘pr’. Students then consolidated their knowledge of the sounds they have learnt this year by engaging in play-based rotational activities.
Preview - Students will read personal narratives with a focus on retelling the events and making connections to their personal lives. Students will engage in fun experiences so they can write a personal narrative about them.
Maths: Over the past fortnight, students have continued learning about whole number with a focus on teen numbers. Students have learnt to compare and order numbers, by saying which number is bigger or smaller and ordering the teen numbers correctly. Students also learnt to identify parts within a number and were introduced to a place value chart and learnt about the ones and tens. Students used unifix to make a teen number and place the ten and ones in the correct place value column. Students were able to verbalise how many tens and ones made up their number.
We continued our time unit, focusing on days of the week. Students learnt vocabulary about ‘yesterday’ (the day that happened before), ‘today’ (the present day we are currently on) and ‘tomorrow’ (the day that is happening one day in the future).
Preview- Next week we will revisit addition and students will continue with their addition goals. We will also start a new unit on mass and introduce the concept of weight.
Inquiry:We have been learning about special events in life. As a class we shared significant key moments and created illustrations to share. Following this, students discussed with the class where they were born. As a class we looked at a world map and placed a personal maker on our country of birth. This activity helped students learn about different countries around the world and where we all come from.
Preview- We will explore our grandparents' experiences growing up, with our own experiences growing up and prepare for student-led conferences.
WELLBEING: We have been learning about stress. Together we identified the activities and events that make us feel stressed. We then placed these activities on an imaginary line across the floor and mapped out what activities belong in the ‘deep end’ where things are very stressful, to the ‘shallow end’ where things are easy.
Preview- Students will identify activities that can help them reduce their stress levels.
What a blast students we had engaging in science activities for the day last Tuesday. Students completed a chemical science experiment by mixing warm water and skittles. They were amazed watching the colours disperse and spread like a rainbow. Students read a book about Earth and shared their knowledge with the class. They enjoyed making their very own Earth with cellophane. The ‘Feathers, Fur and Scales’ incursion was a real hit! Students met and patted a snake, lizard, sugar-glider, parrot and alligator!
This year’s theme is ‘Reading is Magic!’ As always, it was a lovely day celebrating our love of reading and books. Students enjoyed spending the day reading stories and designing their very own front cover for their favourite book.
Student Awards
We would like to wish the following students a Happy Birthday:
Prep B
Zoha - August 17th
Prep R
Ethan- August 28th
Prep S
Sebastian- August 4th
Millie- August 17th
Class Timetables
Danielle Sandeman, Amanda Remington and Jess Bouloukis
Prep Teachers