French Programs

Sophie Oldfield

What’s happening in our French classrooms? 


French Partial Immersion


This term, our Year 7 Science Immersion students have been learning about the lab safety rules and lab equipment, particularly how to use the Bunsen burner safely. This week, they put into practice their newly learnt skills as they undertook their first practical experiment. This practical activity involved measuring the time for water to attain 75 degrees, with or without salt added to the water. Students will soon be able to answer the universal question: when cooking pasta, should we add salt to the water to make it boil more quickly??




In Year 8 FPIP, students have been learning about “la francophonie”. They discovered many French-speaking countries around the world. They were then asked to choose one French-speaking city, and present it using the vocabulary and grammar points learned in class. Bravo les élèves pour vos recherches très intéressantes sur ce sujet!




French Language


After only 3 weeks of learning French, our Year 7 students have learned an impressive amount of new vocabulary! In this short period of time, they are now capable of introducing themselves and someone else, saying “Je m’appelle, il s’appelle, elle s’appelle”. They can say how they are feeling, such as “ça va bien”, “ça va mal”, “je suis triste”, “je suis fatigué”. They have also learnt about numbers, colours, and last but not least, the French alphabet and its strange accents! Bravo les élèves!


Finally, our Year 12 VCE students have been actively preparing for their first SAC by doing a speaking presentation reflecting on their final year of schooling, researching a French speaking country or province and working on their persuasive techniques. They have also written a letter to themselves. The letter was collected and they will have the opportunity to review their goals in Term 3. A lot of effort has already been invested in planning writing tasks and drafting work to improve the accuracy and quality of content! 


AHS  is proud to partner with the Alliance Française to present the 35th edition of the AF French Film Festival, the largest French Film outside France !

Programs available at school or