From the Assistant Principal 

Junior School

Kristie Satilmis












AHS parent community


It was a pleasure to see so many Year 7-9 parents and guardians at our Meet Your Year Level Community event! Based on parent feedback from last year, we switched up the format to maximise the time available for people to meet and mingle with other parents. There was a really great atmosphere as parents took up the opportunity to make connections and get to know each other. I’m delighted that we’ve been able to create Whatsapp groups for parents based on Tutor Group and Year Level as another avenue to build upon the strength of our parent communities. Thank you to those who put their hands up to start the groups.


Feedback about the event was overwhelmingly positive, with people saying that the personal introductions made by teachers was appreciated and there was the right balance of information to mingling. Thank you for your attendance and we look forward to providing further opportunities to be part of our school community.


Our very firsYear 7 Outdoor Family Movie Night is coming up tomorrow and we’ve already sold more than 120 tickets which is fabulous. The weather is looking like it’s on our side, but never fear, we do have the gym on standby in case we need to do a quick scene change! 

Breaking news


This week we announced our 2024 school production, The Addams Family, to be held at the Phoenix Theatre in August. Our wonderful Drama teacher Sally Edwards has placed audition sign up sheets outside the Drama Room and students from all year levels are encouraged to participate! There will be roles for singers, actors and all manner of backstage crew. We’d love to hear from any parents who might be keen to help with set construction, costumes, fundraising or anything else. Please flick me an email if you’re interested and I’ll put you in touch. Stay tuned for ticketing information a little closer to the time. It’ll be mysterious and kooky I’m sure!



Road safety and sun smart reminder - following up on my recent Compass post


There are some hot days on the cards again this week, but even when it's not a scorcher it's still important to be sun smart as the UV index remains high throughout summer. Please remind your child to wear sunscreen and bring extra in their bag for top ups. There's also sunscreen in the Student Entrance if they left theirs at home. Plain black hats (no logos) may be worn outdoors and water bottles are encouraged in classes. We’re looking into adding an AHS hat to the uniform list as an option as well.


Annie, the crossing supervisor on Burgess St, passed along some concerning feedback that some AHS students are not taking proper care when crossing the road. This is extremely dangerous. Accidents can happen, and they can happen to anyone!  It's also important that as Auburn High School students, we are positive role models to  the Auburn Sth Primary School students who are our neighbours and who look up to us.


This is a timely reminder of the importance of road safety and paying close attention to the surroundings when making our way to and from school. This means:

  • Use the pedestrian crossing every time – do not attempt to cross at intersections like Tooronga Rd/ Anderson Rd or Auburn Rd/ far end of Burgess St.
  • Obey the traffic lights - do not attempt to cross on a red light! Ever.
  • Do not listen to headphones -  you need to be able to hear the traffic/ hazards around you,
  • Don't step out between parked cars,
  • Make sure you look left, right and left again before you cross the road or side-street (or driveways, or getting on/ off the tram); don’t be looking at your phone! This includes the AHS carparks.
  • Remember that drivers/ cyclists can get distracted and may not see you - make sure you see them!