
Purpose    I    Positive Emotions    I   Relationships   I   Meaning    I    Accomplishment

Our wellbeing focus is derived from the evidence based Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships curriculum (developed by a team from the Youth Research Centre, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne).


The focus this term will be on emotional literacy and personal strengths.


The Level 6 Personal and Social Capabilities curriculum focuses on exploring the expression of emotions and how the expression of emotions can impact on relationships with others. Students consider the characteristics of respectful relationships and the behaviours that demonstrate sensitivity to diversity. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to experience various team roles including leadership, and to reflect on their performance in group tasks. They identify the reasons for and the impact of conflict and suggest strategies to reduce or resolve conflict.


Our whole school approach will be strengthened by our partnership with Professor Lea Waters who conducted a workshop on the first day of teachers attending school this term. 


For further research visit - Visible Wellbeing

Visible Wellbeing is the culmination of 20 years of high-impact research in psychology and education conducted and published by Professor Lea Waters. 


At the core of VWB is the SEARCH framework, developed by Professor Waters.