Parent Club

Parent Club – Let’s get things started for 2024!
Beaumaris Primary values our parent community and relationships with the wider community. Over the years Parent Club have played an active role in the school through fundraising, as well as supporting the staff at co-curricular activities and events that promote an inclusive and fun environment for our students. Examples of the great work done in 2023 include the Twilight Fete, Bunnings BBQ, Carols Night, Easter Raffle, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Grandparents Day events.
From 2024 our School Council will play a more active role in supporting the parent community in organising events and activities through the creation of a new sub-committee. This means that class reps are no longer required at parent club meetings and we will no longer have a ‘committee’ structure in place that relies heavily on a small number of parents. We hope this change will allow more parents/carers to get involved in school events and activities in smaller and more sustainable ways as well as encourage new ideas and opportunities.
Below is a summary of events for Term 1 and 2. We are asking for volunteers on the dates and times outlined. We require one or two leaders for each event to coordinate activities on the day. The leader will be supported with information sheets from previous events.
Please use the links on the document to sign up to volunteer. Alternatively, they can be accessed below.
Volunteer sign up links:
Thank you and we are looking forward to having you involved!