School News

You may have noticed at the Beaumaris Concourse a series of artwork decals on the footpath. Last year our 2023 Upstanders created a range of Anti-bullying slogans, which are now displayed on footpaths in our local community. Airlie, Lachie, Bonnie and Poppy attended the opening night at Bayside City Council Corporate Centre, where their artwork is currently being displayed as part of the exhibition.
Congratulations to all 2023 Upstanders on the hard work you put into your projects, spreading the message of Anti-Bullying throughout our community.
You can see the artworks online and read about the program at
We now have collection tubs for corks and batteries in our Environmental Science room near the Year 5 rooms so feel free to pop in and drop off your batteries and corks for recycling ♻️
Clean up Australia Day
Last Friday on Schools Clean Up Australia Day all of our students helped clean up around our school as well as the Beaumaris Community Centre, Banksia Reserve and the Concourse shopping centre. It was wonderful to see so many students happily collecting all manner of rubbish and tidying up our community. Thank you to the parents who joined in, it was a wonderful community effort.
School Photos Tuesday 26 March 2024
Students will bring their unique code home today in their bags with instructions on how to order online from SchoolP
Easter Raffle
Join in the excitement of our annual Easter Raffle fundraiser!
Here's how it works:
Every family is invited to contribute Easter eggs of various sizes and types, which we use to create numerous prizes for the raffle. Last year, thanks to the generous donations from our families, we had over 100 fantastic prizes. We would also appreciate any donations of baskets or other Easter gifts for the prizes.
Please ensure all donations are at school by Monday 25th March.
Members of the Junior School Council will collect eggs from classrooms each day. Attached to this Compass post are 10 tickets priced at $1.00 each, which each family can sell. Additional tickets can be collected from the office or printed at home.
Please return all tickets and money to the school office by Wednesday 27th March.
The funds raised will support the initiatives of the Junior School Councillors. They will gather input from the student body to identify positive changes that can enhance our school environment.
Join us for the exciting prize draws, which will happen during our Easter Assembly on Thursday 28th March, starting at 9:10am.
Following the assembly, all other prizes will be drawn and delivered to the classrooms. Don't miss the Prep Easter Bonnet Parade, which will conclude the assembly and then they will head down to the Concourse.
We appreciate your support and hope you become one of the lucky prize winners!
Scholastic Book Club
Scholastic Book Club Issue 2, is out now! Look out for the catalogues coming home.
Orders for this issue are due Friday, the 15th March.
Please make your orders through Book Club LOOP:
Head Lice
We have had an increase in the number of students with head lice. There is no product available that prevents head lice. However, tying long hair back and checking weekly for lice, using the conditioner and comb method, can help prevent the spread.
The easiest and most effective way to find head lice is to use the conditioner and comb treatment weekly. This includes:
- Step 1: Comb hair conditioner onto dry, brushed (detangled) hair. This makes it difficult for lice to grip the hair or run around.
- Step 2: Thoroughly comb sections of the hair with a fine tooth head lice comb.
- Step 3: Wipe the conditioner from the comb onto paper towel or a tissue.
- Step 4: Look on the tissue and on the comb for lice and eggs.
- Step 5: Repeat the combing for every part of the head at least four or five times.
- Step 6: If lice or eggs are found, the person should be treated.
Poco Music