News from our Specialist Programs

Japanese Day
The scene was set for a wonderful day as we were greeted when arriving at school by Pikachu, welcomed to Japanese Day for 2024 by our Year 6 leaders, Victoria and Teresa, and wowed by a performance from Toshi San, Juneko San and Saiyaka San - incredible Taiko Drumming performers from Wadaiko Rindo.
We learnt a little more about our Year 6 Japanese leaders as they confidently spoke in both Japanese and English during their assembly introduction...
こんにちは、 はじめまして、私に名前は ジェラティス ビクトリア です。十二才です、六年生です、青が好きです、どうぞよろしく。
Konichiwa, hajimemaste. Watashi no namae wa Gelagotis Victoria desu, ju ni sai desu, roku nensei desu, ao ga suki desu, douzo yoroshiku.
Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Victoria Gelagotis. I am 11 years old, i'm in Year 6 and my favourite colour is blue. Thank you.
こんにちは、 はじめまして、私に名前は ホーテリサです、十一才です、六年生です、本が好きです、ドナツがすきじゃないです、どうぞよろしく。
Konichiwa, hajimemaste. Watashi no namae wa Hou Teresa desu. Ju isai desu, roku nen sei desu. Hon ga suki desu. Donatsu ga suki janai desu. Douzo yoroshiku.
Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Teresa Hou. I am 11 years old, i'm in Year 6 and I don't like donuts. Thank you.
Our students rotated through a whole range of different Japanese inspired activities, such as practising using chopsticks, Manga drawing, origami, taiko drumming, dancing, cherry blossom inspired craft, calligraphy, and a whole lot more.
The day concluded with an incredible performance from SHIN from Japan, who will also be performing at the Moomba Festival this weekend.
Thank you to all of our students, parents and carers for the time and effort gone into dressing up for the day, we appreciate all of your efforts! Everyone looked fantastic!
St Kilda Footballers visit BPS
The Year 1 students, Year 5 students and their very excited teachers were lucky enough to have some of the St Kilda footy players visit them on Monday at BPS. They answered lots of questions, signed our merchandise and then finished by playing kick to kick with us. The students were especially excited to hear that some of the players started off playing for Beauy Sharks and that Mitch Owens even went to school at BPS when he was a kid.
Thank you to Mitch Owens, Aslyn Witney-Jeffery, Josh Battle, Mason Wood, Liam O'Connell, Liam Henry and Tim Membrey for running this session with us.
School's Clean Up Australia Day
A huge thank you to everyone who volunteered and joined us on School's Clean Up Australia Day. We were very proud of our students for all getting involved and helping make a difference to our environment. Thank you as well for sending along gloves and other tools to assist with the clean up!
Thank you to Mrs Lindy McManus, our Environmental Science teacher, for organising our participation in this event for our school.