Year 11 Design & Technology

Year 11 Design and Technology students have been having fun with their introduction unit, “Chindogu Designs”.


What is a Chindogu design you may ask

Chindogu is a contemporary Japanese design style that focuses on impractical and humorous products for everyday life to create comfort and ease. The designs are purposely impractical and often provide a complex solution to solve either a simple or non-existent problem.

Working in small groups the students aimed to generate a solution to the Chindogu design brief.


The students worked creatively and collaboratively, incorporating cognitive organisers and identifying the groups role in Creative Approaches to Design. Students identified and incorporated components of the design process to produce a model Chindogu design and present an oral report to the class.


Well done Year 11 on your creative Chindogu designs

We look forward to seeing more of your creativity and design work in the year ahead.



Jenny Watt, Bridget McMeekin | Design & Technology