
Selection Rank. What does it mean?

Universities use Selection Ranks to determine who they will offer a place to in particular courses. Watch this Video where I explain what a Selection Rank is.

See Classroom for details and to register

  • Defence Force Lunchtime session
  • CSU Medicine Information Evening
  • CSU Explore Day
  • Carving Pathways for Rural Healthcare

Update. At this stage we are still waiting on confirmation of insurance from Catholic Schools NSW. I will inform all students when we have received this. I will also advertise a parent Zoom to explain the process

Here are the links to the Careers/TaP Classrooms for all new students and those who have for some reason not already joined. Please join NOW. 


Your Classroom is where I will share any upcoming events or courses that you may be interested in. Often these events have limited spaces available and require an EOI so it is important that you make sure you are reading notifications.


Parents are also able to join as Guardians. If you would like to join the Careers Classroom of your child, please email and state your child's name and year group and that you would like to join the Careers Classroom.


This will be the main platform used for our Careers notices and activities.

Year 9 Code: yqeazmy
Year 10 Code: japcdhh
Year 11 Code: cz2rbua
Year 11 Code: cz2rbua

For Year 12 - Choose either of these Classrooms or both

All things Employment 2024 Code: siuc6jd
All things Tertiary 2024 Code: vbtxrgc

In Term 2 we will be implementing a new program ‘TaP Tuesdays’


Every student from Year 7 - 12 will engage in a short Careers type activity during Coaching on Tuesdays. Some weeks the whole school will do the same activity, however most weeks it will be specific to each year group.


Until Term 2, Years 9 - 10 will just be encouraged to check their Google Classroom on Tuesdays during Coaching for any events that are coming up that they may be interested in.

To book an appointment please click Here



  • If this is your first meeting with me you need to fill out this form. If you have ever filled out the form you do not need to do it again.
  • If the meeting is between 5pm - 7pm it will be a Zoom and you will be sent a link once you have made your booking
  • Parents are welcome to attend meetings, but please indicate this when making the booking. If parents would like to be involved in the meeting but can not come in person, we can arrange to Zoom you while I am meeting with the student.



Karen Murray | Careers Adviser

6932 6124