Bringing Up Great Kids

Bringing Up Great Kids
March 12th/13th/14th 2024
Hosted by KidsXpress (Sydney/Tumut)
Facilitated by the Australian Childhood Foundation (Sydney)
Workshop Overview:
This 3-hour foundational workshop focuses on building positive and nurturing relationships between parents and their children. The program aims to support parents to review and enhance their patterns of communication with their children, to promote more respectful interactions and to encourage the development of children's positive self-identity.
Workshop content:
Bringing Up Great Kids aims to identify and address the sources of unhelpful or hurtful attitudes held by parents while working to establish a new relationship context for children and their parents by facilitating opportunities for positive exchanges.
The workshop and resources are underpinned by a philosophy of promoting and supporting respectful, caring, and nurturing relationships between parents and their children. Parents and all other adults involved in the care of children are encouraged to become more
reflective and mindful in their parenting approach. Further resources and information are available for parents and carers on the Bringing Up Great Kids dedicated website:
Cost: Free (catering provided)
Location: Tumbarumba / Tumut / Batlow
Date: Tues 12th / Wed 13th / Thurs 14th March 2024
Timeslot: 9:30am - 12:30pm
RSVP: via Belinda Long, Regional Projects Coordinator @ KidsXpress
0434 880 364 / OR via the online form