Sustainability in Action

This year we are introducing a new sustainability program at John Paul II Catholic School. This program encourages everyone within our community to do their little bit to look after our planet by caring for our common home. We will be exploring different ways that promote sustainable living through practical “hands on” learning experiences.
Last week all classes at John Paul II cleaned up all areas around our school. Special thanks to all students and staff that helped out. Great to hear students commenting, “we couldn’t find much rubbish” which is fabulous as our school is working hard to take pride in our school by keeping our environment clean.
A big priority will be to grow fresh produce in our school gardens that can then be used to support our school lunch program. In 2023, new garden beds were established and we were able to and plant tomatoes, beans, peas, corn and a range of herbs.
This year students from Grades 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 have helped to prepare new garden beds with a good digging over, adding manures and mulch and planting a range of seedlings including lettuces, onions, spinach, silverbeet to name a few! We have potted up strawberry plants and growing broccoli from seed.
This week we are establishing new wicking garden beds outside Grade 2 and 3 classrooms. These garden beds have their own water reservoir at the bottom that “water up” the garden beds. Students from Grades 2 and 3 are interviewing our lunch program chef; Mr Camino, to see which veggies he would like these classes to grow.
This year we have a group of Grade 5/6 students who have elected to be Sustainability Leaders at John Paul II. Next week, these students will be attending a Youth Climate Action Conference where they will learn about Climate change and how it is impacting on our planet. They will also be learning about different projects that we could run at our school to help care for our planet through climate action.
Parent/Grandparent Volunteers Needed
We are looking for parents/grandparents who are interested in gardening to help with projects at our school. If you are interested, are available on Thursdays (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) please let our school office know or email me (
Donations of the following items are needed:
- Pots (all sizes) plastic, clay, ceramic
- Strawberry plants/runners
- Raspberry canes
- Bunnings blue/green plastic pools (no leaks or damage)
Please drop any donated items to the school office.
Mr Brighella