Principals Message

Acting Principal’s Report – Mrs Ignace
What a wonderful start to the year! Everyone has returned from the school holidays feeling refreshed and ready to learn.
It has been a very busy time in the first 5 weeks of school. The teachers spent the first day completing professional learning in the areas of teaching, learning and wellbeing.
The first two weeks of school have been focusing on our Ready to Learn program. This program gave the teachers and students an opportunity to talk about and work on tasks about our school values and getting to know each other.
We have had Brainstorm productions “Sticks and Stones.”
Also, we had a fantastic open classrooms afternoon and I thank everyone for their attendance. The students enjoyed showing their classrooms and sharing the different activities planned by the classes.
We will be beginning lunch time clubs next week and more information will be on Seesaw.
We did try out the new room for Lego club this Wednesday and it was a success. There were a lot of students attending and I think we have some Master Builders at KVPS.
Just a friendly reminder that attendance is a big focus this year as you can see from our special attendance day where students received a Super Dooper, Dojo points and extra play time for the winning year level.
It is important to be at school. If your child is absent, please use Compass to inform the school of the absence.
I hope everyone has enjoyed the first 5 weeks of school and I look forward to the many wonderful things happening at KVPS for the next 4 weeks of the term.
On behalf of the Kilberry Valley Primary School Community, we would like to congratulate Aisha Shariat and her family on the safe arrival of baby Talia Ayla. She is adorable.