Sport News

State Cross Country Running Championships

A wet and muddy course greeted athletes on Thursday the 18th of July. Mount Beauty SC sent strong runners to Yarra Glen to represent our school, and make us proud. Alec and Eddy won their respective age group races, retaining their State Champion titles from last year. Also impressive are the following results:

Carmela - 13th place in 16yo female

Harri - 17th place in 17-20yo male

Baylin - 52nd place in 17-20yo male

Thankyou to the students and their families for travelling all that way to represent our school.

Pre-race focus. Waiting for the starter.
Pre-race focus. Waiting for the starter.
Alec and Eddy - State Champions.
Carmela - after a speedy run to place 13th.
Harri in action - photo taken by Eddy.
Alec and Eddy - State Champions.
Carmela - after a speedy run to place 13th.
Harri in action - photo taken by Eddy.
Spot the difference - hint clean shoes!
After the run - medals and muddy feet = happy runners.
Spot the difference - hint clean shoes!
After the run - medals and muddy feet = happy runners.

Snowsport Interschools

X country skiers and snow sports competitors - this is for you! Interschools is on at Mount Buller again this year. If you are interested in competing or would like more information - email Vicky on 


Entries for x country skiing races closes on Monday the 22nd July, with the resort based entries closing on the 5th of August. 

Joey Hoppet Team

If you are interested in making a school team for the Joey Hoppet, or have any questions about this event speak to Ms Farrington at school.

School Sport Victoria

Parents are encouraged to subscribe to School Sport Victoria's monthly eNewsletter. 

The newsletter celebrates many different sporting achievements and has information about opportunities for young athletes, including TeamVic. 

The SSV website is also a great place to check for interschool competition details, merchandise, awards and interstate team opportunities.