Principal's Message

Welcome to 2024

Dear Endeavour Hills Specialist School community members, 


Welcome to term 3 2024.


I hope that all our students and their families had a wonderful term break. Students arrived with smiles, eager to see their teachers and friends. I was able to make my way around the school and visit all the classrooms. I heard about trips to the cinema, the snow, visits with grandparents and lots of time to relax.


Our beautiful school continues to grow. We have welcomed many new staff throughout term 2 and 3:



2A: Marissa – teacher

Peppermint support ES – Aisha

Peppermint support ES – Ashleigh



3C ES – Chloe

3G ES - Sandra

Banksia Support ES – Jothi

Banksia Support ES - Natalia



4D Maddy and Ash – teachers

4D ES - Daniel

4E ES – Punsara (Tu -Fri)

Bursaria support ES – Malika



5C ES – Sophie



6C ES – Fleur

6D Teacher - Adam


As we were able to recruit teachers, we were able to offer enrolments to 26 new students, which has resulted in the opening of 2 new classrooms, 2A in Peppermint and 4D in Banksia. These new students have settled into life at EHSS and are learning the routines and making new friends.


Student Support Group Meetings will occur in week 3 of this term, from the 29th of July. Please keep an eye on Compass and make sure to book a time to discuss your child’s progress towards their IEP goals.


Banksia and Acacia students are participating in swimming at Splash’s swim school in Dandenong. The program is going well with the students actively participating, following safety rules and increasing their confidence and skills.

Next week we are fortunate to have the Polyglot Theatre Company returning with an incursion “When the World Turns”. This will be set up in our gym and is an interactive incursion that all classes will have an opportunity to participate in. The incursion that was held last year was so engaging and enriching for our students, we are looking forward to seeing what this incursion is about.


At the end of term 2 assembly, I was honoured to give the following students Principal awards for displaying school values and working hard on their individual goals:

Peppermint: Isa A

Banksia: Mohsan A

Bursaria: Veer V

Acacia: Harvey D

Heath: Emily M

PE: Roya R & Harrison R

Visual Arts: Austin K

STEM: Kaeden B

Digital Technologies: Nathan M

Performing Arts: Bella G & Dave T

Life skills: Aliyah H

Therapy: Shireen D

Be Kind Green Chronical Champions: Atem A, Hasil Z, Cooper W, Mujo O, Othman K 


With the wet weather comes wet clothing and shoes/socks. If your child likes to enjoy some wet and muddy exploration, please ensure you send named spare items of clothing and shoes and a waterproof bag to send home dirty/wet items. For some students’ gumboots are a good option as well as wet weather clothing that goes over the uniform. Aussie Disposals sell a range of items that might be suitable. Please see the website link below.

Aussie Disposals wet weather gear


With the deluge of rain over the last few days the traffic around the school has increased due to road closures and flooding. Please be mindful and allow extra time to arrive in the morning. Thank you to those families that are using our drop and go in the morning. We are gradually seeing more and more students walking independently into school and this is reducing the congestion in the car park. Remember the drop and go zone has a maximum 2-minute parking time frame to allow cars to move in and out smoothly.


I am looking forward to the many exciting activities that will occur this term.


Stay warm and dry


Kind Regards… 

Karen Hunt