School Attendance

Attached to this newsletter is an information sheet from the Department of Education about the importance of maximising the time students are at school and how building strategies and routines early will help avoid bigger challenges as students get older. I encourage all families to have a read.

In addition, below are some reminders about our school attendance processes:

  • All late arrivals (After 9.00am) must report to the office before making their way to the classrooms.
  • For early departures, parents/carers must report to the office to collect students.
  • Student absences can be reported in one of the following ways:
    1. Use Compass to make an attendance note.
    2. Phone school office
    (Please note that SeeSaw or email is not an effective way to report student absence as teachers may not be checking these platforms during teaching times.)
  • Every morning, an SMS is sent to all parents of students who are unaccounted for. (If your child is absent without a reason)

Please click on the above attachment from the Department of Education.