Student Awards

Student Awards
Foundation | Georgina
Lily | For showing confidence in your learning using your sounds skills and heart word knowledge to challenge yourself with your reading and writing.
For being a great leader in the way you helped our new member of class feel welcome and supported in her first week at school. |
1/2 | Betty
Elise | For being a collaborative learner during Numeracy sessions and sharing her ideas.
For being a confident writer and trying her best at all times. |
2/3 | Oliver
Maddie D | COLLABORATIVE: For being engaged in his learning and trying hard to listen to others and to understand tasks.
For showing confidence in her learning and always being a role model in our class by trying her best in all that she does. |
4/5 | William B
Will M | For showing confidence during Maths lessons by actively participating and sharing his answers. Well done William.
For showing improvement in his determination to his at home reading journal. Will has shown commitment to try his best in his learning at home.
5/6 | Indigo Ryan
| For being a courageous learner, willing to take a risk and for showing confidence in your ability to have a go at challenges. A quiet achiever! |