Religious Education and Social Justice

Social Justice News
Last term we invited families to donate food items to the local St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. We had an amazing response with families being very generous.
Our parish priest, Fr Werner has continued to encourage families in the parish to keep donating food items as an ongoing support to the work of St Vincent de Paul in assisting people in need in our local area.
If anyone would like to continue to donate packets or cans of food they can be dropped off at the school Library at any time and our Social Justice Leaders, George and Mila, will regularly deliver the items to the church for collection. This is a wonderful way that we can continue to live out the Catholic Social Teachings of Dignity of the Human Person and Preferential Option for the Poor.
O God,
give us your gifts so that we may live and work
according to your vision for humanity,
a vision where all are treated
with respect and love
because of their great worth in your eyes.
May we answer your call
to treat all as we ourselves wish to be treated and to promote the healing of all persons, especially those who are most vulnerable. Amen.
Jane Wilkinson
Religious Education Leader