Sustainability in Action

Recently our Grade 1 class has been setting up a worm farm to recycle some of their fruit break scraps. Firstly we talked about setting up a worm farm, how it works and how it helps to produce worm castings (poo) and worm wee that can be spread around our gardens to help our plants grow.
We learnt about foods that worms like and also what they don’t like to eat. We introduced our worms to the worm farm and the children have been investigating the farm and getting to know the worms!
Last Thursday, students from Grades 4 and 5/6 helped to plant over 20 fruit trees around the outside of our basketball court. We are hoping that when the fruit trees grow, we will have our own amazing orchard at our school.
With some great help from our Grade 5/6 sustainability leaders, the students worked in small groups to dig deep holes, add water and manure, ready for the plant to go in. Great teamwork!
Special thanks to our school utility officers, Matt Westwood for his great help planting our trees last Thursday, and to John Hallsworth for his great suggestions and advice.
Other classes will be involved with the planting of berries, grapes and other fruit bearing plants. We look forward to having our own fresh organic fruit supporting our school lunch program in the future.
Check out our students embracing the opportunity to plant the fruit trees around the school!
We are very grateful to our school parents, Renee & Ryan Oswin, who own and operate the Howrah Garden Centre. They were able to provide us with fruit trees that were already at least 2 years old, at a very reasonable price. They also were happy to provide great advise on different varieties of fruit trees suitable to plant at our school.
If you need to buys any types of plants, go to the Howrah Garden Centre, for good healthy plants and great service.
We are always doing some outdoor gardening activities each Thursday at our school. If you can spare a couple of hours to come in weekly, fortnightly, monthly we could sure use your help. We also have a new cooking program happening with the students, and volunteers are needed for that program as well.
If you can assist contact me (Luch) via my email: or contact the school office on 6247 7104.
Luch Brighella
School Sustainability Teacher