Little Learners Group
News from our Friday Little Learners Sessions
Little Learners Group
News from our Friday Little Learners Sessions
The 'Little Learners' have been working on their tracing, cutting and gluing skills recently.
They completed a Crocodile craft after listening to the text 'Crocodile Beat'. This involved tracing parts of a crocodile, colouring it in, cutting little bits of blue paper to create 'water' for the crocodile to swim in.
The 'Little Learners' made sun crafts by tracing sun lines and cutting strips of yellow paper into squares to glue on the lines as well.
They also enjoyed making medal crafts for their dads and and decorating them with colourful gems to really make them sparkle. I'm sure their were some very happy dads on Father's Day morning receiving their special medals!
Developmental play time is a very crucial part of our Fridays. It allows imagination to foster, friendships to grow...and more!
Some warmer days recently have meant we have been able to do more activities outside such as sandpit play.
Kindergarten Transition is coming up very soon which is very exciting!
Thank you to all those families who have completed and returned your child's enrolment paperwork so they can start Transition on the first day (Friday 20th September). Reminder notes were sent home in envelopes with older siblings last week. Please don't hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions about this.