Mrs Hetherington

Literacy at YPS
This year we have introduced InitiaLit, an evidence-based whole-class literacy program that provides all children with the essential core knowledge and strong foundations to become successful readers and writers. It is a 3-year program for our Kindergarten to Year 2 students, that incorporates a synthetic approach to the teaching of phonics in a fun and engaging way. The program incorporates daily lessons in phonemic awareness, reading and spelling as well as rich language instruction using children’s literature. By providing strong foundations in reading and writing from the outset, we believe fewer children will fall behind, strengthening their foundation for greater success in higher grades.
Additionally, we have continued our well-established intervention programs, which includes MiniLit for younger students and MacqLit for small groups of older students who need more targeted support in reading. These initiatives demonstrate our commitment to providing all our students with the best possible reading and writing instruction into the future.
Below are some photos of what InitiaLit looks like in our classrooms.