
Year 7

Year 7 were introduced to the sewing machines this week alongside finishing some of their designs. They are preparing to sew together their amazing surface pattern designs they have been creating over the term (block printing and ti dye). There were some super eager students who have been waiting to get onto the sewing machines and the day finally came. They were all exceptional and made me very proud at their patience, control and safety awareness. 

Year 9 

Year 9 have started cutting the patterns out for their Coachella inspired Bucket Hats. The students tie dyed their fabrics and will spend the next few weeks putting their hats together. Bucket Hats are not a simple construction so this will truly test the skills they have learnt this Semester and their resilience. 


Year 10

Year 10 are well underway with creating their portfolio projects. There have been many pairs of children's shorts created this week, with the tops being started by some students. The Semester is coming to an end and what the students have designed and been creating is inspiring - I have been so proud watching their enthusiasm and skill levels blossom. The students have taken plain white cotton and created their own children's garments based on the 'four elements'. 


Extra Curricular 

The last two weeks has seen the textiles room being open every lunch time to students that have wanted to come and create their own designs, work on their garments for their portfolios and to socialise with like-minded people. With a mixture of Year 7-10 students, it has been great to see different year levels supporting each other.

Staff also attended a Mindful Embroidery workshop too.