Young Men's Shed Program

The Young Men’s Shed program is a collaboration with the Men’s Shed at Gisborne. Each Monday, four Year 9’s and a Year 10 leader make their way to the Men’s Shed to work with some of the members to learn new skills and have mentorship with the participants of the Men’s Shed.


A Men’s Shed is a modern reimagined ‘shed’ where men can get together, learn new skills and develop friendships. Gisborne Secondary College is very grateful for this collaboration and the impact it has had on some of our young men over the past years.


Our Year 10 Leader Billy G, has supported and mentored the Year 9 boys of 2024. Billy was a member of 2023 Year 9 group who attended the Young Men Shed Program and the ‘Shed’ members were so impressed with his skills and leadership qualities, they asked him back to support this year's young men. Billy is joined by Kyan B, Tyler E, Cody K and Kyle S.


Their latest project was to make bird boxes for the Gisborne Golf Club. The bird boxes will help shelter some of the local birds such as Wood ducks, Kookaburras and Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos. To celebrate their success some of the boys and their mentors at the Men’s Shed went to the club for a spot of golf.


Nadine Clarke 

Year 9 Coordinator.