Student of the Month
Student of the Month
As part of our acknowledgement of students who are representing our College Values, we will be presenting Student of the Month awards to students we believe have best represented the values during each month.
"Uvleen has consistently shown a positive commitment to our school values of achievement, aspiration and respect. She consistently completes her work to a high standard and sets a positive example for her peers. She takes pride in her work and shows continuous determination to improve."
"Harsh has consistently demonstrated a positive commitment to his learning. He has been completing his work to a great standard and sets a positive example for his peers. "
"Manreet shows a commitment to her learning in all of her classes consistently. She contributes to class discussion often and with meaning, and is an active and enthusiastic member of the classroom."
"Saachi is demonstrating consistant effort in her classes. She is focused and productive in class, and she is willing to help her peers after finishing her work.
Great job representing our school in the badminton competition with 100% effort!"
"Sudeshna consistently shows our school values both in and out of the classroom. She is always focused and on task. Sudeshna always puts effort into her work and is a happy and helpful member of the class. Sudeshna has showed positive attitudes toward learning and excellent college expectations. She always stays focused on tasks and her assessment. She is focused and productive in class and is a respectful class member."
"Ishaal has consistently been on top of her assessment tasks in class. She is a great helper in Visual Arts and is always willing to assist her peers.
Great job representing our school in the badminton competition with 100% effort!"
"Aryaman has been consistently respectful to both staff and fellow students. He works quietly in class, works with anyone and contributes to class discussion. His work is always of a high quality. Aaryaman has been consistently on top of his assessment tasks in Visual Arts. He is focused and productive in class and is a respectful class member."
"Alicia has demonstrated excellent college expectations. She completes given tasks and homework on time. Alicia always shows positive attitudes toward learning and willingly participates in class discussions."