PLC News

Professional Learning Community Foundation (Preps)

Professional Learning Community 1 (Grade 1)

Professional Learning Community 2 (Grade 2) 

Professional Learning Community 3 (Grade 3)

Professional Learning Community 4 (Grade 4)

Final week of assessments. Well done to the whole PLC 4 cohort who have shown growth and proved what they have learnt for the first half of the year.


A reminder that Tuesday 28th will be a Curriculum day for students and that they are not required to be at school. Teachers will be writing reports during this day.


In Literacy, students will be working on travel brochures to convince their readers to go visit their destinations that they have been researching in PBL.


In Numeracy, we are continuing with our learning about fractions. Focusing on counting, modelling and using fractions.


Thank you,


PLC 4 Teachers

Professional Learning Community 5 (Grade 5)

Dear families,

The Grade 5 students have been persistently working and maintaining focus during their assessments in literacy and numeracy. They have demonstrated resilience and a growth mindset while navigating test conditions and striving for success. Assessments will continue until Monday, the 27th, after which we will return to our regular learning schedule until the end of term.


We extend our gratitude to all the special people who joined us last Friday for Special Person’s Day. Your presence meant a lot to us, and we enjoyed your participation in our engaging activities, offering a glimpse into their school environment. 


Congratulations to the Grade 5’s who participated in the District Football Competition alongside the Grade 6’s last Wednesday. They displayed exceptional sportsmanship, played their best, and represented the school with pride, finishing in a remarkable victory against Haddon PS.


Here are some important dates for the upcoming fortnight:

- May 23rd: Grade 5/6 Division Soccer

- May 28th: Student Free Day

- May 31st: Grade 5/6 Division Netball

- June 10th: King’s Birthday (Public Holiday)


As we move into the colder weather, please remind students to dress warmly, as we have noticed some not wearing school jumpers or jackets when it's cold. Ensure that Compass is checked regularly for updates on upcoming events, and please continue to encourage students' home reading.


Thank you for your ongoing support,


PLC 5 Teachers 

Professional Learning Community 6 (Grade 6)

Well, what a busy couple of weeks it has been in PLC 6!


Currently, all Grade 6s are going through our Assessment Program in their classroom.  Students have been spending the time learning about Bushrangers, in particular, Ned Kelly in their literacy time. They have written about whether Ned Kelly was a hero or a villain and will continue to research a bushranger and their lives over the rest of this week.  In Numeracy, students have been practicing their four operations through the “Lost in Space” task.  


Teachers have been pleased with how calm and respectful the students have been during this busy time in the classroom, as well as the growth that has been seen from the start of the year until now.  


Outside of the classroom, our Grade 6s have been involved in lots of sporting opportunities, such as the Divisional Football with the Grade 5s, Cross Country and Divisional Netball/Soccer later on in the term.  We were also pleased to see a lot of our students help and assist with the recent Pirate Day celebrations. 


As we finish assessment week, we start to turn our attention to the concert and learning our songs/dances in our classes.  We will communicate at the end of the term if there are any costumes that we need from home.


PLC 6 Team